FAQs: Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions about Functional Medicine Interventions

Ozone IV Therapy:

Q: What is Ozone IV Therapy, and how does it work in the context of functional medicine?
A: Ozone IV Therapy involves infusing medical-grade ozone into the bloodstream, aiming to enhance oxygenation and stimulate the immune system for various health benefits.

Q: Are there any potential side effects of Ozone IV Therapy, and who is a suitable candidate for this treatment?
A: Side effects are generally mild, but individuals with certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates. Your healthcare provider will assess your health history to determine eligibility.

Functional Autism Treatment:
Q: What does functional autism treatment entail, and how does it differ from traditional approaches?
A: Functional autism treatment focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of symptoms, considering factors such as gut health, nutrition, and environmental influences in addition to behavioral therapies.

Q: Is functional autism treatment suitable for individuals of all ages?
A: Functional medicine approaches can be tailored to different age groups. The suitability of specific interventions will depend on the individual’s unique needs and health status.

Traditional Functional Medicine Appointments:
Q: What happens during a traditional functional medicine appointment?
A: Traditional functional medicine appointments involve a comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s health, including detailed discussions about lifestyle, nutrition, and medical history, to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Q: How does functional medicine differ from conventional medicine?
A: Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of various bodily systems, aiming to address the underlying causes of symptoms rather than merely treating them

High Dose Vitamin C:
Q: What is the purpose of high-dose vitamin C in functional medicine?
A: High-dose vitamin C is used for its antioxidant properties and potential immune system support. It may be included in treatment plans to address specific health concerns.

Are there any considerations or contraindications for high-dose vitamin C therapy?
A: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as kidney disorders, may need careful monitoring during high-dose vitamin C therapy. Consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial.

Low Dose Immune Therapy:
Q: How does low-dose immune therapy contribute to functional medicine treatments?
A: Low-dose immune therapy involves introducing small amounts of targeted substances to modulate the immune response, addressing specific immune-related issues in a controlled manner.

Q: Is low-dose immune therapy suitable for everyone, and are there potential side effects?
A: Individual responses vary. Your healthcare provider will assess your health history and discuss potential risks and benefits before recommending low-dose immune therapy.

As with any medical intervention, individualized guidance from your healthcare provider is essential for a safe and effective functional medicine journey.